Dog Food Recipe
Please consult with your veterinarian before changing your dog's diet.

Many people ask me what I feed my dogs. Here's my go-to recipe.
What you will need:

This feeds my two (2) large dogs (52lb and 75lb) for four (4) days.
I use ground beef and pork because I can find it easily and affordably at my local supermarket. I do not use chicken or turkey because I have a dog that it doesn't agree with. Any boneless meat of your choice will work.
5-5.5 lbs of your choice of meat ( I use chicken breast or 85% lean ground meat)
1 cup of rice or oatmeal (optional)
1 cup of water if using rice or oatmeal.
3-4 cups of chopped kale**
1 lb bag of frozen string beans*
2 cans of diced carrots or 4 large chopped carrots
1 tsp Turmeric
1 tsp Salt
4 eggs
1 tsp Bone Meal (any brand)
Put all of the ingredients in the crock pot. Set on high heat for five (5) hours or on low heat for nine and a half (9.5) hours.
Make sure to mix it well when it is done. I use a potato masher.
I store it in the crock pot in the refrigerator until I make the next batch. Each batch feeds 2 large dogs (55lbs and 85 lbs) for approximately four (4) days . It can easily be frozen for later too.
My 55 lb dog eats 600 grams of this a day. I feed her twice a day, with 300 grams per meal.
*You can substitute string beans with; squash, zucchini, pumpkin...
**Kale with: brussel sprouts, broccoli, collards, cabbage...
Please Do Not change your dogs diet without consulting your veterinarian!
You can use this as an added topper to your dogs regular meal.
It can be fed as a full meal.
You can stuff hollow bones and Kongs with it.
Or season to taste and eat it for yourself.
Linda Ehrenworth